Norland Place Supportive Housing

Empowering Lives at Norland Place: More Than Just a Home

Nestled within our community is Norland Place, a remarkable haven that’s much more than just a housing complex. Norland Place is composed of 52 individual units, is staffed around the clock, seven days a week. It provides a supportive and nurturing environment for people dealing with complex issues.

Our residents face various challenges, such as mental health disorders and substance addictions. It’s a diverse community, bound by common struggles and shared hopes. Each individual is treated with respect and dignity, reminding them they’re not alone in their battles.

Every apartment within Norland Place offers more than just a roof over one’s head. These are private spaces, designed to mimic the comforts of a conventional home, promoting personal independence and empowerment. We outfitted each unit with its own bathroom, providing privacy and personal space that every individual needs and deserves. Also included is a kitchenette, enabling the residents to prepare meals and foster self-sufficiency.

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Open to 19+

Open to any Ethnicity

Open to any Gender

Open to Diverse Abilities

Pet Friendly


Anyone interested in applying to become part of the program should connect with one of our Outreach Workers to get an application started!

Absolutely! Our space is welcome to people of all enthicities, genders, and a wide range of diverse abilities. Please contact staff with any additional questions or requirements

Absolutely! Our space is made to be welcoming to people of all ethnicities, genders, and and a wide range of diverse abilities. We do have a limited number of suites that are specifically designed for wheelchair access. Please contact staff with any additional questions or requirements

Yep! Our supportive housing is pet friendly. Residents are expected to apropriately care for and clean up after their pets.

Yes! We do have an onsite overdose management system. Staff are trained in overdose prevention and provide harm reduction solutions to clients.

Get Started by Filling Out a Referral

Interested in this program? It all starts with a referral to our Outreach team. They can figure out what you’re eligible for, what other programs might be a good fit, and help you fill out any additional referrals

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